Soul Shattered

Andres “Jay” Molina

I've been broken down within an inch of my life,

Karma has stabbed me with the sharpest knife

I've lost the essence of who I was,

Played with the devil and ended up in his jaws

Fought many battles that left my soul bleeding,

Like a warrior never gave up and ended up winning

But now I'm old, battered, my soul shattered,

Finally falling apart; the pieces scattered

 And after sinking into the deepest of holes,

It was very difficult for me, to climb back to the top

I didn’t believe that I had the strength, 

To one day be back to the way I was

But under the darkness, there was a light,

The desire to shine and triumph took over my life

I realized all of a sudden, that Knowledge was the key,

To one day reach the glory, that was destined to be for me

And what was left of my soul kept being persistent,

Helping me climb back up without the need of assistance

And Today I’m happy with who I have become

Today I have a purpose and I’m grateful for that

I put on a cape and a cowl and I don’t dwell on the past

All we really need is the desire to be successful one day

To be all we want to be,

To one day be the best