Cold World

Vincent “V” Pierce

They say you have a right to remain silent but where I’m from your black skin color already confessed to the crime you have a right to a lawyer if not the court will appoint you one but it don’t matter we all work together anyway on the ground face in the dirt I can’t breathe stop resisting let me see your hands bang bang bang here we go again he was reaching for that colt 45 inhaler ain’t it crazy that the last thing most black young men taste is dirt which will be their final resting place ain’t it crazy that if that same cop gets killed he’s a hero I wonder if the tears from black families is what keeps the graveyards’ grass green I wonder why we live in a world full of hate I wonder if black mothers are closer to God because they had to lay to rest their only begotten son I wonder how long will it take for black young men’s skin to become bulletproof cause we’re so close to the gun.